Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Meetings, Meetings, Meetings

I am finding that by being the president of our local union, I am automatically a part of several other groups. Those memberships make me responsible for attending even more meeting. One is the SCEC, our local Sonoma County Union organization. My meeting with them is Wednesday. Then on Thursday we have our usual Rep Council meeting. Then I am a member of the Redwood Council, the regional organization for our union and it covers almost all of Northern California. Fortunately those meetings are every other month but they meet on Saturdays, but this Saturday at 9 AM is our meeting. Then there is the regular school board meeting- torture for me- especially because I have to find something to say every meeting. The there are negotiations coming up on my birthday, next Thursday. And then the many impromptu meeting such as the one with the superintendent on Monday.

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