Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Yesterday three negotiators and myself sat all day with the two top administrators in our district to try and negotiate a contract. It is a devastating year for everyone involved. A great thing about this year is that the financial books of the district are open. The funding coming in next year is less than that in the previous year. The year 2011- 2012 looks even grimmer unless the state of California does something about the budget process. The district must project three years in advance, which is all but impossible.

As a district that offers programs that no other district in the area offers, we have some positive things to expect. Whereas enrollment in one nearby district is plummeting, ours is only decreasing. Where many families are moving away out of economic hardship, we are experience only a relatively minor loss of students. The programs we offer are popular with parents but expensive. Our seven period day is envied by other districts, but the threat of the six period day always lingers as a future budget adjustment.

Generally two sides meeting at the bargaining table are at odds. This year specifically the district did not bring in its big guns (the lawyers) and we did not bring in our consultant. Although teachers are giving up five days next year (it appears.), with a salary reduction of 4.4% over two years, we have maintained an open communication with the district. As a result the district has been relatively open with us. This year we worked an extra day for free (officially). In actuality we put in many free days (at least I do.). The district offered to give a free day in the month of May as a peace offering, I presume.

Casey our chief negotiator has incredible expertise on budget and benefit matters. He has scoured the health benefit plans and can see some potential savings in plan choices. I know that that the district appreciates his expertise and our willingness to negotiate in good faith. And we appreciate their good will in these tough times.

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