Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ah Paris!!!

Ah Paris or C'est bonne. What could be better? It was enough just arriving with our heavy bags and settled down a bit with the help of Stella Artois. Bill, Donna's father in law (beau pere) arrived the day before. He arranged with a friend from the Alliance Francaise to rent a small apartment in the Moufftard. The Moufftard is in the Latin Quarter, fifth Arrondisement and one of the oldest neighborhoods in Paris. It received its name from the French word for skunk- Mouffe. It became a dumping place for garbage in the neighborhood, and supposedly stank to high heaven. Now it is one of the most enchanting little areas of Paris and still unknown by most tourists. (Rick Steves will tell us about it soon.) It is a fairly narrow street lines with resturants, cafes, fruit sellers, cheese shops, wine merchants, boulangeries, and gormet chocolate shops. The street has the look of a classic French neighborhood, a neighborhood that really does not exist anymore in Paris, except on the Moufftard.

Bill had a wonderful little snack waiting for us in our quaint and lovely apartment- 2 kinds of cheeses, fresh baggette, wine and cherries- all from the market. We are in Paris and what could be wrong?

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