Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bonne Jour

If you ever go to France, the two most important words that you will ever need to know are "bonne jour". It is a must in French conversation for anything. If you need directions, if you get on a bus, if you are ordering in a cafe, if you must ask any kind of question for any kind of reason, you must begin your words with bonne jour. Actually I knew this. But despite it, I found myself in several situations where one can detect the difference in the way that the French treat you.

We were trying to get to the train station on time and could not figure out how to work the ticket machine. I went to the man at the ticket counter and asked in my best French- which is not all that good- How can we get a ticket? His reply: BONNE JOUR!!! emphatically, like that. His meaning was obvious. Say hello, asshole American- and I felt like an asshole American, because I knew better.

Most Parisians know enough English to help you out. They would love it, if more Americans spoke French, but this really is not that important to them. They just want you to say hello before initating a conversation. So if you go to France, remember to begin every conversation with these magic words. I guarantee that it will make a difference.

My apologies- I do not know if jour is masculine or feminine. I could use that French Spell check about now.

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